Jennifer Lohmus
Qualifications: BA Honours Specialisation in Kinesiology, Master’s of Physiotherapy Practice
Our Canadian born but Australian educated physiotherapist Jennifer loves to greet you with a warm smile and open ear. She has a well-trained eye for observing human movement from her 10+ years competing as a ballet and jazz dancer. Her dance background makes her more than qualified to teach balance to anyone from the older adult with multiple falls to acrobat.
Over the years she has used research – based and low risk treatment methods to help manage her patients. Not only does she love to give a good massage, but Jennifer also loves to teach you how to introduce more physical activity into your lifestyle. Jennifer can facilitate weight loss with gentle exercise and pilates. She is experienced and passionate about pre- and post- surgical rehabilitation, neck and shoulder injuries, fractures and sporting injuries.
Fun facts: Jennifer enjoys cycling the hills of Templestowe, kayaking on the Yarra, and rock climbing in her free time. Jennifer barracks for the Toronto Maple Leafs (Ice Hockey) and Toronto Raptors (Basketball), but has an AFL footy team too, Go Tigers! Lookout for her dance moves to Michael Bublé songs during exercise rehabilitation.